Do you remember passing your University Entrance
Exam? Along with the joy and relief comes the concern of what the new
experience will be like. Despite how exciting change is, it can be a little
uncomfortable; one of the things that you will definitely have to face is the
fact that you will be getting a new roommate😝! You have absolutely no idea what they are like; are they neat and
tidy? Are they quiet or noisy? Do they snore? Will they be kind and friendly or
are they a grouch with whom you can’t ever hold a conversation? Then you meet
and together you begin to build parameters and set boundaries, they say to you;
“Mesho* I don’t appreciate your using
my plates and not cleaning them afterward”, or you say to them “Mesho* please don’t keep your radio on
all night, it disturbs my sleep” and so on and so forth. What you and your mesho* are looking to achieve is a state
of harmony.
The Oxford
English dictionary defines harmony as “The state of being in agreement or
concord” or “The quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole”, and
because you and your mesho* are going
to live together for quite a while, you certainly want to attain a certain
state of harmony. Harmony is seemingly easier to achieve with other human
beings because they can tell us their likes or dislikes, that is if the
communication channels are working well.
We share the
planet with numerous other beings, human beings are not necessarily the owners
of it, but we do have the charge of a steward, we are the caretakers of the
same. We live with animals and trees and other inanimate beings that benefit
from us and us from them. In it pure state the world is a beautiful place, no
we can’t deny that it can get very gloomy when a lion eats bambi* or when hyenas eat rabits, yet it is never without or out of
some irrational desire to destroy, it is an understandable need to survive due
to the preying animals’ constitutional needs and other times it is out of fear.
Naturally, beings don’t consume other being when they aren’t hungry or do not
perceive threat; a snake won’t eat another creature when it is full or has just
Human beings behave the same way, arguably it
is beneath reason for people to ill-treat other animals for no reason, having
the responsibility of stewardship we are to ensure that animals are well taken care of. Our co-existence
with other beings is dependent on laws or principles of harmony, look at it
this way; if we choose to abuse our environment with time, our race will suffer
the consequences of the same.
Humans must
choose to execute our role as caretaker, looking after nature to ensure that
harmony is achieved, this is why humans must be concerned with animal welfare;
we are responsible for our habitat. Some may ask who gave us the responsibility
of taking care of the planet. Simple, God did, and if you don’t believe in God
then look at it this way; reason and logic entrust us with this responsibility
because we see the need for the continuity of our planet and our race, we
therefore cannot deliberately deplete it or watch as others do.
*Mesho means
roommate especially used in Malawian colleges
* Bambi is a
cartoon character who is a deer
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