
Showing posts from June, 2017


ALL CREATURES plays a vital role in the prosecution of animal welfare offenders in Malawi. Primarily, we work hand in hand with the police and the courts to bring perpetrators to justice. It is on this premise that ALL CREATURES came to be involved in the prosecution case against the owners of Hercules, a beautiful white affectionate German shepherd. Every animal deserves the best life possible and where human beings are a hindrance to this basic right, action must be taken against them to first of educate them about the ills of their conduct and also to serve as a deterrent to other people who are in the habit of ill-treating animals.  In November 2016, when news from concerned parties reached ALL CREATURES of a dog who was being neglected in Area47, one of Lilongwe’s high-end suburbs, ALL CREATURES immediately rushed to evaluate the extent to which the said dog was ill-treated. Our assessment determined at once that the conditions under which the dog was living were far ...


Driving through Lilongwe can be a lot of things; you may feel glad that the people are generally warm and helpful if you need directions for instance. You also may feel a sense of slight annoyance with the drivers and traffic especially if patience is not exactly your strong suit. If you love animals, well, then you will feel a vast range of emotions, ranging from the excitement and thrill of a surprise sighting of a hyena perhaps, especially during the night if you drive around City-centre, to anger which could escalate to rage at the sight of the “Road-side Puppy Peddlers” who are strewn all across Lilongwe. Image of Lilongwe taken from the internet You just can’t drive through Lilongwe and not be faced with the sheer cruelty of people dangling dehydrated little puppies and kittens on so many junctions and corners of the city. What is even worse is the smug attitude that the sellers have as many of them have been in and out of jail on numerous occasions and kno...


Our relationship with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) has been very productive, because of it, the Humane Education program in Malawi is increasingly gaining ground; we are certainly off to a good start. Since the program’s commencement, ALL CREATURES has successfully established eleven clubs in various primary schools within Lilongwe city, namely; Lilongwe Boys, Lilongwe LEA, Kawale, Biwi, Kliyeka, Chirambula, Chinsapo, Kafulu, Likuni Boys, Mbidzi and Chimutu primary schools. We have had an average of two club sessions with each school. Club sizes differ depending mostly on student population, the same with frequency of meetings which currently is dependent on the school calendars. The willingness of Head teachers in the various schools to host and establish the Humane Education clubs for their students has been remarkably overwhelming. In each school, several teachers have more than willingly offered to be patrons or matrons for the clubs. Each time that the...


Learn more about Dr Richard Ssuna the Director and CEO of ALL CREATURES, know what inspires him and his thoughts about animal welfare in Malawi    1. Who is Dr. Ssuna and what role does he play with regards animal welfare in Malawi?    I’m Kenyan born, Ugandan raised and both Ugandan and British trained veterinarian with a strong desire for promoting animal welfare in Africa. I initially came to for a three months’ consultancy with Born Free Foundation to start the veterinary programme at the Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, that had so many animals but without any veterinary capacity at the time. My stay was extended for two years under joint tenure with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Born Free Foundation.  It is at this time way back in 2009 that I started the animal welfare campaign with the Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals. Some of my works included the sensitization of the Malawi Police, Judici...